The sound of jingle bells can be heard in the distance, the air is filled with the scents of Christmas trees and aromatic bakes, the world is beginning to sparkle with colours and lights, and the houses, gardens, forests and fields are wrapped in a white feather quilt. And at the Philharmonic? FeNek knows that the magic of Christmas lies also in the unique music, which evokes memories of meeting loved ones, singing carols together and having fun in the snow or on the ice. Christmas is about images and sometimes whole films of recorded stories. If you want to feel that special atmosphere, come to the concert at the Warsaw Philharmonic. When magical snow starts to fall in the Concert Hall, the stage and the auditorium will fill with the sounds of carols, winter songs and tunes from those favourite Christmas films we love watching each year. To this concert, bring a hand-made bauble.
Bring to the concert… a hand-made bauble